Message From HOD Desk (Animal Science)

Welcome to the Department of Animal Science of B.P Memorial Polytechnic Institute Laxminiya-4 Sapahi, Dhanusha. The mission and vision of the Department of Animal Science is to provide education, service, and leadership to Madhesh, national, and international stakeholders through the development, integration, and dissemination of knowledge of animals used for food, fiber, companion and disease diagnosis. We strive to provide a safe, responsible, ecologically sustainable, and competitive animal welfare. Our core areas of excellence are: 1. Sustainable animal production and management. 2. Food and animal product safety, quality and security, 3.

Instructional excellence in undergraduate, graduate and stakeholder education. Graduates of our department advance to successful careers in the animal and allied food industries, academia, veterinary medicine, public health, and government agencies. We have a proud tradition of training outstanding students in animal, animal welfare, animal treatment, disease diagnosis etc.

Thank You !!

Dr. Binod Kumar Yadav

Head of Department
Department of Animal Science